ID Title
9181682 Review of the Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network (AFREN2) impact and future direction.
9181722 NGN Program - Ex-post analysis
9181616 Understanding the global market, potential enablers and barriers to commercial use of biofertilisers, biostimulants and biopesticides in Australian grain production
9181612 NGN: Updating the content and images for Pulse, Oilseed, and Cereal Disease Identification Ute Guides
9181625 NGN Spreader and sprayer set up workshops for South East SA
9181567 Part B: Enhancing Rhizobia resources to improve N fixation in pulse crops across Australia
9181702 Residue and efficacy field studies with clothianidin (Sumitomo Shield Insecticide) in summer pulses
9181704 A landscape analysis for in field management of rodents focusing on mice.
9181699 Review of Fall armyworm RD&E and identification of priority areas for further research for the Australian grains industry
9181591 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Lime and Learn Decisions - CSU - GOA
9181590 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Phosphorus Decisions - CSU - AgGrow Agronomy
9181595 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Rotation Decisions - CSU - AMPS
9181593 ARG004 NRMI Enterprise Financial Decisions - CSU - AMPS
9181698 In-silico platform and capability for chemical discovery in Australia
9181455 Grain Automate Program 1: Developing capability, awareness, and preparedness for autonomy through dealer networks in QLD and NSW
9181683 Soilborne disease future investment review
9181693 NVT Sorghum Harvest Reports 2024/25
9181601 ARG005 NRMI Natural Resource Management Soil Capability - QDAF
9181624 ARG005 NRMI Natural Resource Management Soil carbon - CSU - CWFS
9181646 ARG004 NRMI Enterprise Financial Decisions - CSU
9181489 NGN - Developing control strategies for key problem weeds in South East QLD
9181677 Independent Review Report of the National Resistance Monitoring and Management of Stored Grain Pests Program
9181671 ACIL Allen 2024 Ex-post Analyses
9181668 MJA 2024 Ex-post Analyses
9181673 UWA 2024 Ex-post Analyses
9181675 Tatjana Karov 2024 Ex-post Analyses
9181674 Bob Farquharson 2024 Ex-post Analyses
9181600 ARG004 NRMI Enterprise Financial Decisions - QDAF
9181599 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Sowing Decisions - QDAF
9181596 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Decision Project - HART
9181611 ARG004 NRMI Enterprise Financial Decisions - GGA
9181631 ARG004 NRMI Enterprise Financial Decisions - BCG - FAR
9181630 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Disease Management Decisions - BCG - FAR
9181626 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic, Challenging Decisions - BCG- FAR
9181628 ARG002 NRMI Enterprise Agronomic Decisions - AIREP
9181346 DPIRD Seasonal status of pests and diseases delivered to growers
9181505 NGN - Developing control strategies for key problem weeds in North East NSW
9181504 NGN - Developing control strategies for key problem weeds in North West NSW
9181485 NGN - Developing control strategies for key problem weeds in South West QLD
9181648 Follow on research and analysis: Quantifying the current and future costs of adherence to the ISCC scheme and alternative national certification programs
9181452 Program 3 - Improved genetic resistance: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea (Phase 2)
9180458 Nanotechnology enabled CRISPR gene editing in crops
9181522 Grain Receivals Data Services 2023/24 to 2025/26
9181620 Impact of AI and ML on herbicide discovery
9181420 Grain Automate Program 1: Analytics to support peer to peer learning and community acceptance of machine autonomy
9181459 Program 2 - International host/pathogen differential sets: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea (Phase 2)
9181448 Grain Automate Program 1: Proof of concept for an Autonomous Working Farm: connectivity, robots, and machinery
9181617 Examination of Australian Grain Productivity Improvements
9181353 [NBC] Program 2 - Resistance sources: Using 'Fast-Stack' to develop effective durable net blotch resistance gene stacks.
9181605 Scoping Opportunities in Crop Biofactories - Phase 2: Commercial Appraisal of Opportunities
9181542 NGN: Improving the management of grass weeds in grain oat crops in the Western Region
9181526 Spray resources digital products
9181606 DPI Services - Produce seed of soybean line 2J89-D212-151
9181351 UA/SARDI Seasonal status of pests and diseases delivered to growers
9181558 SAGIT- Making the most of phosphorus fertiliser inputs: Managing spatial variability and long-term strategies
9181477 Modelling plausible impacts of Biological Nitrification Inhibition in Australian farming systems
9181552 SAGIT - Appropriate fertiliser strategies for on-row lentil sowing in saline soils
9181539 SAGIT - Strategies for mitigating frost damage in the Upper North Region of SA
9181538 NGN - Exploring new and alternative lime sources for managing soil acidity in South Australia
9181570 Support with active project management, and contributions to new investment analyses
9181528 NGN - Further tactics to minimise frost damage on the Eyre Peninsula
9181316 Development of new genetic sources for canola heat tolerance
9181568 GRDC/DPIRD Soils Constraints Phase 2 Program Review
9181512 NGN - Soil water repellence in sand, sandy duplex and gravel soils in the Geraldton and Kwinana West region
9181360 CESAR Seasonal status of pests and diseases delivered to growers
9181433 NGN - Spray application best practice industry training days for the Northern Region
9181514 DAFF National Grain Diagnostic & Surveillance Initiative NGDSI
9181431 Program 1 - Pathogen studies: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea (Phase 2)
9181400 Program 4 - Largescale phenotyping and development of IDM strategies: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea (Phase 2)
9181280 Validation of targeted genetic improvements in yield potential and water use efficiency in wheat
9181426 Grain Automate Program 1: Developing capability, awareness, and preparedness for autonomy among growers
9181482 Hyper Yielding and Profitable Cereals - Quantifying the economic impact of management practices for wheat and barley in medium and low rainfall zones of the southern region
9181314 NSW Seasonal status of pests and diseases delivered to growers
9180826 Enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilisers in the grains industry: an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions and increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE)
9181157 GRS 2024 (Miranda Slaven) - Non-chemical inter-row weed control methods in Australian broadscale farming
9181232 GroundCover suite - editorial and hardcopy newspaper publication
9181253 [OSRC] Program 1 - Accelerating transfer of oat septoria resistant sources to Australian oat breeders
9181535 Grains Materiality Study
9181334 GRDC International Visiting Fellowships Program 2023/24 Thorsten Langner
9181297 GRDC International Visiting Fellowships Program 2023/24 - Annapurna Devi Allu
9181254 [OSRC] Program 2 - Further discovery of improved sources of oat Septoria resistance
9181234 (Julian Algaba) GRDC International Visiting Fellowships Program 2023/24
9180999 GRS 2024 (Stephen Lang) - Impacts of soil modification on roots and the rhizosphere
9179466 Expediting the delivery to industry of a novel method of eliminating Late Maturity alpha-amylase in wheat
9181523 Contract Resourcing for GRDC Digital Content review
9181110 GRS 2024 - (Audrey Henry) A synergistic Indigenous knowledges approach to Responsible and Inclusive Innovation in crop science research practice
9180456 Detection of DNA insertions in SDN-1 plants
9180943 Towards developing improved resistance to BGM in chickpea and lentil.
9181441 Novel Pest Suppression in Grains and Vegetables: Preparing the grain and vegetable industries for a future without broad-spectrum insecticides
9181423 Valuing N reserves in low rainfall northern Victorian Mallee settings.
9181517 CRM Refinement Work
9181478 NGN - Assessing the profitability of including canola into farming systems in SW QLD
9180987 Achieving improved genetic gain for yield in chickpea, faba bean and lentil using genetic diversity
9181330 DEECA Seasonal status of pests and diseases delivered to growers
9181521 Research Data Capture & Storage BAU Transition
9180842 Implementing the ATLAS technology stack in Australia to fast-track interoperability
9181419 Hyper Profitable Crops - cereal paddock benchmarking and innovation groups
9181268 AusSORGM 2024
9181437 NGN - Development of management strategies for controlling Phalaris in Northern NSW and Southern QLD
9181502 Grains at the Table - A Pathway to Prioritising Grains and Plant Proteins in Australian Diets
9181158 GRS 2024 (Joshua Boyte) - Circadian clock genes affecting NUE and GPC in wheat
9180960 Dr Jun Zou: GRDC International Visiting Fellowship 2023/2024
9181465 NGN - Investigating impact sowing rate on barley grain quality and WUE in the Geraldton port zone.
9181165 Program 2: Enhancing the agronomic and nutritive value of narrow-leafed lupin by reducing seed coat thickness and increasing protein content.
9181401 NGN - Sprayer calibration and application efficacy workshops
9181210 Genetic initiative to transform symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Australian pulse crops
9181442 NGN- Winter wheat investigation on the Southcoast of WA
9180651 NGN - Improving returns from fertiliser nitrogen applications in the high rainfall zone of Victoria
9181464 NGN - Evaluating deep sowing of Oats in WA production systems
9180952 GRS 2024 (Madhav Pandit) - Harnessing novel haplotypes for barley leaf rust resistance: a genomic approach to sustainable crop protection
9181430 Independent review of the NGN
9181095 GRS 2024 (Bryan Hau) - Identification and characterisation of the molecular drivers of malting performance in Hordeum vulgare
9180524 Continuation and Integration of the Online Farm Trials Database and User Interface
9181125 GRS 2024 (Amber Balfour-Cunningham) - Natural enemies of key invertebrate pests of WA grain crops: impacts and monitoring techniques
9181476 Contract Resourcing for Project Manager CRM Events Module
9181473 AEGIC laboratory quality requirements to 2050
9181474 AEGIC laboratory quality requirements to 2050
9181008 Program 1: Enhancing the nutritional quality of narrow-leafed lupin by reducing anti-nutritional seed alkaloid levels.
9181045 GRS 2024 (Rose Zhang) - Improving chickpea drought tolerance through aquaporin engineering
9181296 GRDC Emerging Leader - Panel award 2023: Josh Fanning
9181326 Fertiliser recommendations for grain legumes in Western region with limited production area.
9181468 Content Audit and Inventory
9181244 NGN - Stopping seed set of barley grass on the upper Eyre Peninsula
9181352 NGN - planter and air seeder workshops
9180980 GRS 2024 (Emanuel Gomez) - Economics of market differentiation through traceability of WA grains' sustainability credentials
9181037 UA: Calcium requirements of Australian pest snails and the impact of liming
9181451 Residue Field Studies - Halosulfuron-methyl Herbicide Tolerant (HT) Soybean
9181222 NGN - Companion cropping legumes for lower cost nitrogen supply in farming systems
9181182 NGN - Economic returns from managing sclerotinia in medium rainfall landscapes - an applied agronomy approach
9181223 NGN - Identifying the legacy effects on canola and/or wheat following pulse crops
9181271 NGN - Understanding the nutritional requirements of hyper yielding crops - learnings from organic fertiliser use
9180853 Sandy Soils II: Management to sustain production potential in the low to medium rainfall environments of the Southern cropping region
9181311 Consultative report on the changing ecology and biology for key weed species impacting Australian grains due to climate and soil factors
9180866 Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from the decomposition of crop residue
9180802 GRS 2024 (Lillian Hearn) - Relationship between soil moisture and carbon availability on denitrification potential in dryland cropping systems of South eastern Australia.
9180731 Fast tracking deployment of chickpea heat tolerance to develop chickpea varieties with improved high temperature tolerance
9180979 MU: Calcium requirements of Australian pest snails and the impact of liming
9181060 GRS 2024 (Jordan Bathgate) - Improving physiological understanding and crop yield of early sown wheat genotypes under constrained environments
9181408 Pre-Accelerator Program: Business of Agriculture by SproutX Pty Ltd
9181373 NGN - Monitoring of post fallow trial sites
9181070 AcceleTrait Plus: Predicting physiological traits for breeding programs with UAV hyperspectral imagery
9181246 NGN - Gazanias incidence and impact on grain cropping in the Southern region.
9180886 Development and extension to realise the system benefits and economic potential of mungbean in northern farming systems.
9181048 GRS 2024 (Rebeccah Tyrrell) - Using RNA regulation to improve energy use efficiency and boost yield in wheat
9181007 GRDC Video and Podcast Investment 2024- 2026
9180997 GRS 2024 (Heber Dias de Oliveira) - Enhancing nitrogen acquisition in Australian wheat
9181124 GRS 2024 (Olaide Akintayo) - Quality attributes and consumer acceptance of hydrolysed faba bean-based dairy alternatives
9180721 GRDC Farm Business Updates - National coordination, Monitoring & Evaluation, in-depth topic development and quality assurance
9181171 [OSRC] Program 3 - Neutralising oat sensitivity loci corresponding to targets of oat septoria fungal effectors